Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's been a long time coming...

So, I've taken the entire summer off from blogging, and I'm not quite sure why.  Probably because I wanted to blog about something that makes me happy, yet unfortunately for me that hasn't happened.  I guess it's because the more time passes by, the more I fucking hate people.  I know I'm not supposed to say I hate people, but with every fiber of my being I'm really becoming more disgusted with this world.

A few days ago I gave my boss a copy of my resume.  He's helping me clean it up and make it look pretty because I am ready to find something else to do with my life, and I want nothing to do with a call center.  Well, anyone who has met me in the past two years knows that I have a degree in Religious Studies, and most people know that I was the President of the Religious Studies Student Organization.  Apparently, putting that on a resume is the "kiss of death" because it says "religious."  This is why people make me so fucking sick.  I really want whoever is reading this to think about this... I studied religions because it gave me a better idea of people, who they are, what they believe, and it taught me to accept people.  The irony?  Yeah, apparently because I studied religion I wouldn't be considered by most companies as worthy of hiring.  You see, as a religious studies student, I must be completely myopic - there is no way that I could understand what other people believe because studying religion means I'm a Christian, not that I understand about the Holocaust, or the difference between someone who practices Islam and someone who is Islamist, or what it means to be "Born Shinto, Die Buddhist".  No, that couldn't possibly be what I was taught.  You see, what I had to have been taught is that Christianity is the only way to Heaven, and that anyone who doesn't believe in Christian Protestant religions will surely burn in Hell as Jesus is the only Way.  At least that's what I'm led to believe by employers, except if anyone read my resume they would see my degree is from University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, not Liberty University.  There are way more people who are agnostic or atheist getting Religious Studies degrees at UWM than even I thought was imaginable.  Why is that?  Because people are looking for ways to understand questions about the supernatural, and questions about other people.  Yet everyone assumes that my degree means I want to be a minister or something.  Far from it!  If I wanted to go to a Bible college and preach, I would have done so.  But I don't have to go to college to know how to preach or what to preach about, I go to church which allows me plenty of opportunity to learn how to preach.

I guess another problem I have is people who don't want to talk about religion, or politics, or whatever sets of beliefs one might have.  I don't think debating those things is right, as I think everyone is entitled to believe whatever they choose.  But I want to hear that folks have thoughts about these things, yet this world has become too PC to talk about fun stuff.  Or maybe it's because people always want to argue instead of learning to understand another person's POV.  Yet another reason why people annoy the shit out of me.

A lot of people think they are so open minded and willing to learn about what makes people tick.  It's a fucking joke to me.  The minute a person closes their ears and eyes to hearing about other religions should be a clue for me to not want to know them.  I seriously need to take a break from everyone, because the more I get to know about people, the more I realize I should just find a dog and go off the grid.