Thursday, March 24, 2011

Here we go!

It's been on my mind for a while to start a blog.  Not because I have anything in particular that I need to share with the world, nor do I think of myself as the wisest person I know (I reserve that title for my mother...) I've just had some things on my mind now.  I have some stuff that I think about, some observations... Just some things that I hope will make people think or emote.  I like Facebook, but it's not always the best forum to use for sharing.  First of all, the amount of characters are pretty limited after a while.  Secondly, I'm really into free flowing thoughts right now.  I don't want to feel like things have to be controlled and measured at every turn, and with some people, that's the face I have to put on.  I guess what I'm trying to say is this blog will not necessarily be for the faint-of-heart or goody-two-shoes types.  If you want to see that, you may want to spend time reading something else.  This is just me being me, and I'm keeping it real.  I have every intention of updating this weekly, sometimes more, sometimes less.  I welcome all schools of thought and I encourage people to comment and share, but I will not tolerate anyone saying anything against other people's race, age or religious affiliation (or lack thereof).  If you want to slam someone's political beliefs, I can't stop you, but just know that it's kind of in bad taste considering in my mind, we all are allowed to have a difference of opinion, no matter how wrong yours may be.  Also be aware that I will share my opinion, and because it's my blog, I will say whatever I damn well please.  If you don't like it, don't read it.  FYI, I know this doesn't have real sentence structure or it may not be completely grammatically correct, but I finished English classes in 2008, so since this isn't for a grade, feel free to suck it if you can't handle my writing.  Okay, enough with the tough talk...
Now that I've laid out the ground rules, I just want to know what you guys are thinking about.  So, my question for this post is (wait for it...)

How old were you when you realized it was okay to be yourself and not live for someone else?


  1. To answer your question, I would honestly have to say it was recently, after I divorced in December of 2009. I finally realized that although I wouldn't find everything about me "ideal," that I was comfortable with who I am!

  2. Oh, I just noticed you asked for an age! My age at that time was 36.

  3. I love it! Congrats Lady!! And, I promise to let you know my opinion honestly O_O

  4. You know, that makes me think that there is something to being this age that helps us all realize we are who we are. I'm not saying that we can't grow or change with the times, but I'm thinking that there comes a time when you realize it is time to live for yourself and not for the happiness of others. I think when we start to realize that we are awesome, flaws and all, we finally get to a better place.

  5. Thank you Lynne! You know I really do value your opinion. I love the exchange of ideas amongst people who take time to think about things, not just rush to judgment in hopes of saying that they knew something before everyone else. Often times when people do that, they prove they don't know shit.

  6. I think I was younger than most. I ruffled a lot of feathers in HS. Maybe 12? I have Camp Minikani to thank for that. They always encouraged us to be ourselves and value differences in others.

  7. You know Jen, I think you're on to something there. Something about the people that went to and worked at that camp that taught kids to be individuals, and I think that's why I was friends with so many people who went to Bay and worked there...

  8. I'd have to say that I'm not there yet . . . but I admire the people who are

  9. Best thing in the world - Lisa B and a blog!

    As for your question, growing into myself has happened in stages. 25 was significant, and my late 30s have brought me a lot of perspective. I agree, settling into my personality and (mostly) not apologizing for my flaws has really improved my outlook on life.

  10. Jules and Nicole, thanks for joining my blog, and thanks for being so open. I really hope you both feel free to share your thoughts as we go on this exploration of what's on my mind for today...
