Sunday, May 1, 2011

Tell me what it takes...

So earlier tonight I was leaving the movies with my friend Jules.  She announced to me that bin Laden was killed based on orders from President Obama.  This week, my President has proven that he is, in fact, from Hawaii and NOT Kenya, he came close to killing Gaddafi, he showed his sense of humor by gently ribbing Trump (who, might I add, does not take kindly to people picking on him... wow!) and proved he could laugh at himself after Seth Meyers said some pretty funny stuff about him.  Now, he announces to the world that he ordered the killing of the most wanted terrorist in the world and our troops successfully accomplished the goal he set for them... Yet he still can't get a fucking break?!!?  People amaze me.  I am not kidding, people truly amaze me.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still plenty pissed about Obama not raising taxes on the rich/ continuing the Bush tax cuts.  I'm also not a fan of his school policy, and as long as he continues to be against cleaning up public education in favor of setting up more charter schools, he and I will continue to be at odds about that.  But I don't care what anyone says, the quagmire we were in just a few years ago under Bush had me thinking we would never recover, yet somehow under Obama we're getting on the right track.  Yes, there are some 25 million plus people out of work, and gas is too high (as is rent) but at the same time, I guess I was always one of those people that knew Obama wouldn't be able clean up everything in a few years.  So while it remains to be seen if he will go down as one of the best presidents ever, what I can say for Obama is I'm praying to my God for you.  Of course, according to some dumbasses my God isn't the same as Obama's God because he's a Muslim.  As a religious studies scholar I can say with authority that the God that my brothers and sisters in the Middle East call Allah is the same that my Hebrew brothers and sisters call Adonai, and the one they call Adonai is the one we call God the Father.  Also, I'm pretty comfortable with referring to Obama as a Christian, since he has said on multiple occasions that Jesus Christ is his Lord and Savior. 
I'm writing this while listening to Rage Against the Machine... "Killing In The Name" and I want to stop writing from an angry place.  I can't help it though, because people get on my last fucking nerve.  Between the dipshit in Oklahoma that thinks I don't want to work because I'm black and Donald Trump (I hope you're still enjoying your relationship with "the Blacks") I just don't even want to deal with people that have no common sense anymore.  I don't give a flying rats ass what you say in front of your family and friends about people of other races, but if I can't say shit about yours, then I'll be damned if you think it's okay to say shit about mine.  I know I'm not supposed to let it get under my skin, but if I keep trying to brush my shoulders off, people won't know that I don't like them.  I told my friend Danielle at work this week people continue to make the mistake of thinking I need them.  I need my mother, everyone else in my life is a nice extra.  Don't get me wrong, I appreciate you all, and I love you too, but I can guaran-fucking-tee you that as easily as you came in my world, I can walk away with great memories of days gone by.  I've bitten my tongue and now it's bleeding.  I've been going through some real shit in the past year, and I mean "real drama could be on a talk show shit", but that's all about to change.  I graduate in three weeks.  After that, if people can't demonstrate they are for me, then they are against me.  If they are against me, I'm erasing them from more than Facebook.  I'm tired.
Y'all have a good week.


  1. Whew! Remind me to stay on your good side!! :)

    One of my favorite sayings: Those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind. Your true besties will be there for you no matter what - like you with Obama, they may disagree with you at times, they might not always behave at their best, but will be there when you dont behave at yours, will post your bail money when you kill the dumbasses that annoy you (or be sitting in jail next to you going "did you see their face?"), hold you when you cry and rejoice with you in your accomplishments . . . small minds arent worth it.

  2. Jules, I wish I could like your comment!
